Category: Youth Protection Program

Child Abuse Awareness Month

The University of Alabama is committed to providing a safe and supportive educational environment for all members of the community while on campus or participating in University sponsored activities or programs, including all minors.

As members of the UA community, you have an obligation to report any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. Alabama law makes the reporting of known or suspected child abuse or neglect mandatory for all University employees, hospitals, clinics, medical professionals, teachers, school officials, law enforcement officials, social workers, daycare workers, mental health professionals, members of the clergy, and any other person called upon to render aid or assistance to a child. All University personnel should immediately report known or suspected child abuse or neglect as provided in the Child Protection Policy.

No form of child abuse, whether physical, emotional, or sexual, will be permitted or tolerated under any circumstances. Reporting child abuse can be a difficult and emotionally charged experience. However, it is crucial to remember that reporting abuse can save a child’s life. If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected contact the UAPD immediately at 205-348-5454 and complete a Child Abuse Report Form (PDF). Once the UAPD is notified of a suspected case of child abuse, they will work closely with the Department of Human Resources to ensure that the case is handled with care.

It is essential to remember that reporting suspected cases of child abuse is not just the right thing to do; it is also the law. As a University employee, you are mandated by law to report suspected child abuse or neglect. Failure to report can result in criminal charges.

If you suspect child abuse, don’t hesitate to call the UAPD 205-348-54.