Compliance and Fraud Hotline

High ethical standards are vital to workplace morale and productivity, and maintaining them is a core value for The University of Alabama.

That is the reason for the UA Compliance and Fraud Hotline, which enables you to inquire about or report actual or potential unethical or unlawful work-related behavior in a safe, anonymous way, online or over the phone. The hotline is designed for use by all members of the The University of Alabama community.


Do not use this site or the toll-free number to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact the University of Alabama Police Department (205-348-5454 or 8-5454 if dialing from an on-campus phone) for on-campus emergencies or 911 for any emergency situations that occur off-campus.

The University of Alabama (“University”) utilizes a third-party service, to provide you with a simple, anonymous way to confidentially report activities that may involve certain improper conduct or violations of the University’s Policies. You may file a report on this site or by dialing toll-free 1-866-362-9476.

This hotline service does not replace or supersede existing reporting methods. The University strongly encourages staff and other members of the University community to report concerns of misconduct such as financial reporting or irregularity, internal control, misappropriation, research matters, and intercollegiate athletic violations, through normal lines of communication.

Routine discussion with one’s supervisor is the preferred method of resolution. If this is not satisfactory, alternatives are; Human Resources, business unit management, or the appropriate office such as Environmental Health and Safety, Internal Audit, Equal Opportunity Programs, Research Compliance or University Counsel. The University hotline and reporting web page can be used for either direct or anonymous reporting.

This hotline should not be used for routine human resource matters: These matters should be reported directly to the HR representative assigned to your division or department.

The University asserts that reports submitted via the hotline will be handled promptly and discreetly. No retaliatory action will be taken against anyone for reporting or inquiring in good faith about potential breaches of The University’s policies or for seeking guidance on how to handle suspected breaches.

Reports submitted through the hotline will be given careful attention by the University with the objective of correcting the situation being reported, once the facts have been corroborated.

Contacts for Reporting and Types of Situations that May Be Reported

How to Report

If you see or suspect unethical or illegal behavior, you may report your concerns anonymously via the hotline:

Call toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1-866-362-9476