Record Retention and Destruction

Program Requirements

The management of University records from creation to destruction should be accomplished in a uniform manner that promotes compliance with laws, regulations, and judicial proceedings; that promotes appropriate business objectives; and that allows for the management, maintenance, and replacement of associated information systems technology in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Below are some University resources to assist with the management and retention of University records.

Record Resources FAQ

What is a record?

A record captures or documents the relationships and transactions between the university and our students, faculty, staff, donors, and sponsors as well as the general public and governmental entities.

What are some examples of records?

Employee records, student academic records, financial records, athletic records, medical records, and real estate records are just a few examples of records held by the University. Records can be paper or electronic in any format. The content is what is important!

What is a record inventory?

Simply put, a record inventory is a list of records held by your department. It becomes a tracking list that allows the department to document how and where records are stored, who has access to them, who is responsible for maintaining them, and how long they need to be retained. A records inventory sample file is available to help those who are just getting started with creating their inventories.

Is it acceptable to retain a set of records past the minimum retention date reflected in the Record Retention and Destruction Schedule?

There may be situations where retaining specific records beyond the minimum retention date is warranted due to pending litigation or other ongoing concerns. These situations should be documented and monitored appropriately. Generally speaking, if you feel that the retention period specified in the UA Record Retention and Destruction Schedule does not meet the needs of your department, please contact Kathy Brunot at to discuss the issue and work out a resolution.

What is the RDA that is referenced in the Record Retention and Destruction Schedule?

The State Records Commission's Public Universities of Alabama: Functional Analysis & Record Disposition Authority is referenced as the RDA. The UA Record Retention and Destruction Schedule pulls guidance from the RDA as well as University policies and accreditation requirements.