Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Academic Programs

Information about Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Academic Programs at the University is available through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

Career Center

Career and Job Placement services are provided by the University’s Career Center.  The Career Center provides a variety of resources to assist students and alumni with self-assessment, career exploration, career preparation and job search strategies.  The Career Center engages employers through development efforts, career fairs, on-campus interviewing and a variety of other initiatives in an effort to connect students with internship and employment opportunities.  Questions about career services should be directed to the Career Center or the School of Law Career Services Office.

The First Destination/Placement Report captures information about Job Placement for Graduates from The University of Alabama. The report provides a variety of information including employment status and salary information for engineering and business undergraduates. Questions about the report should be directed to the University Career Center. Employment Summary Reports for School of Law graduates are available from the School of Law.

Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions
The University’s Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA).  When notified of a copyright infringement, the University will suspend network access and instruct the user to run a full virus scan, remove file sharing programs, and remove copyrighted materials.  The user is instructed that if they need assistance, they should contact the Office of Information Technology. In order to avoid civil or criminal penalties, an extensive list of legal alternatives for peer-to-peer file sharing is maintained through Educause. For more information, contact the Office of Information Technology or refer to the University’s Copyright Statement. Students are reminded of copyright laws and policies and penalties for copyright infringement annually in the HEOA Letter to Students.  Typical sanctions imposed on students found responsible for copyright infringement by the Office of Student Conduct are listed on the Office of Information Technology’s website.

Instructional Facilities and Demographics

Information about the Instructional Facilities and Demographics is available through the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA) or more detailed information may be accessed through departmental websites.

Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities

Services for students with academic disabilities are facilitated by the Office of Disability Services (ODS). ODS provides disability-related information and referrals; documents a student’s disability and conducts needs assessments; facilitates reasonable academic accommodations; and provides disability-related technical assistance, auxiliary aids/services, and advocacy and training.  Inquiries concerning ADA requirements and compliance may be directed to the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs. Additionally, the University’s web accessibility initiative provides technology users, including those with disabilities, a functional and accessible technology experience with our web presence and our instructional and emerging technologies. Questions about this initiative should be directed to the Technology Accessibility office.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

The University of Alabama has policies and procedures to comply with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) available in the Office of the University Registrar’s privacy guidelines.   FERPA protects the privacy and confidentiality of personally identifiable information contained within student education records maintained by UA.

Teacher Preparation Program Report
The Alabama Department of Education reports annually to the United States Department of Education on the quality of teacher preparation programs in Alabama.  The Title II Report contains data submitted by The University of Alabama and other institutions.