Safeguard and accurately account for UA resources

UA is dedicated to responsible stewardship. UA resources must be used for UA business purposes and not for personal gain. All University accounts, financial reports, tax returns, expense reimbursements, time sheets, and other documents including those submitted to government agencies must be accurate, clear, and complete. All entries in UA records must accurately reflect each transaction.

UA community members are expected to:

  • Use University property, equipment, finances, materials, electronic and other systems, and other resources only for University purposes or accepted incidental purposes as explained in other relevant UA policies;
  • Prevent waste and abuse;
  • Promote efficient operations;
  • Follow appropriate protocols for obligating UA entities by contract/agreement;
  • Follow sound financial practices, including accurate inventory accounting, financial reporting, responsible fiscal management, and internal controls;
  • Engage in appropriate accounting and monitoring; and
  • Only destroy or discard documents, records, reports, etc. when authorized to do so.

Examples of Prohibited Conduct

  • Use of University resources for personal gain.
  • Signing contracts on behalf of the University when not authorized to do so.
  • Misusing or wasting University resources.
  • Purchasing from a non-contract vendor when a University contract exists unless authorized by the Office of Procurement.